Learn how to maximize your car transmission's lifespan in Southern California. Discover essential tips for maintenance, driving habits, and avoiding costly repairs in hot and rugged conditions.
Discover the crucial role of your vehicle's torque converter. Learn about common causes of failure, warning signs, and how preventive maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs.
Discover how old transmission fluid impacts your car's performance. Learn the signs of bad fluid, how to check it, and the benefits of regular maintenance.
Learn about the vital role of transmission fluid in your car's performance, signs of leaks, repair options, and preventive maintenance tips to avoid costly repairs.
Explore the history of automotive transmissions - from manual gearboxes to electric transmissions. Learn about key advancements and innovations over the years.
Avoid the costly potential repairs of transmission failure by learning what parts make your transmission operate — and what signs of failure to watch out for.
As a car owner, there is nothing more anxiety-inducing than potential transmission issues. If you begin to notice your vehicle acting unusually, and want to make sure your transmission is still in good shape, consider troubleshooting these common transmission problems.
When you head out on the road, knowing the warning signs of possible transmission problems can help keep you safe on the highway— and avoid costly repairs. In this article, we will break down the top 6 reasons for transmission failure, and what steps you should take to make sure you don’t end up on the side of the road.
Your transmission is one of the most essential — and complicated — parts of your vehicle. Understanding the basics can help prevent poor performance and pricey repairs.
As with any other part of your vehicle, your transmission requires consistent maintenance to ensure long life and functionality. Knowing what transmission mistakes you need to avoid can keep your vehicle running smoothly.