AAMCO Centers of Southern California


AAMCO Centers of Southern California

SoCal Traffic: How to Prevent Costly Transmission Issues

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AAMCO Socal  | 08/14/2024  | Transmission Advice

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SoCal Traffic: How to Prevent Costly Transmission Issues

Southern California, with its beautiful coastline and endless sunshine, is known for one less desirable trait—traffic. We all know the frustration: the brake lights stretching out ahead, the creeping progress, and the dreaded moment when you realize you’re stuck in the slow lane with a coffee that's gone cold. This stop-and-go grind isn’t just bad for your mood; it’s a quick route to transmission issues.

Every time you hit the gas or brake pedal, your transmission is working overtime, shifting gears to accommodate your slow pace.

For years, we've seen the damage stop-and-go traffic inflicts on transmissions. This isn't about scare tactics; this is about giving you the information to understand why this driving habit is slowly killing your car and costing you money. Ignoring potential transmission issues can lead to a burning smell caused by overheated transmission fluid, which is a telltale sign that something is wrong.

The Stop-and-Go Struggle: Understanding Transmission Issues

Your transmission is a complex system of gears, clutches, and fluids working together to transfer power from your engine to your wheels.

This allows you to accelerate, cruise, and even reverse. It’s the unsung hero of your vehicle’s operation. But like any hardworking component, it suffers under pressure – specifically the kind generated in heavy traffic.

The Wear and Tear of Traffic

Imagine running a marathon, but instead of long strides, you’re taking tiny baby steps. That’s what your transmission experiences in stop-and-go traffic. All that shifting between gears generates excess heat, the nemesis of transmission fluid.

When transmission fluid overheats, it degrades, becoming less effective at lubricating and cooling those hard-working components. This can lead to a domino effect of problems like rough shifting, a dragging clutch, or even a complete transmission failure—all of which translate to expensive repairs.

Have you ever had your car suddenly slip out of gear in the middle of rush hour? That sinking feeling doesn't compare to the weight of your mechanic's bill when you require transmission repair. You may even need to get your vehicle inspected for a full transmission service.

The Silent Killer

What makes this even more troublesome is that this kind of damage can be cumulative, building up over time without any noticeable symptoms. That’s why so many car owners get blindsided when they find out about a serious transmission problem. By the time the check engine light starts blinking, it’s often too late for simple fixes.

They might just tell you to get ready to shell out a few months’ worth of car payments – assuming they even attempt to fix it. It wouldn’t surprise us if they recommend a brand-new transmission, and we all know how costly that can be.

Outsmarting Gridlock: Preventing Transmission Issues in Heavy Traffic

Don’t worry, this isn’t a lost cause. Just like a good mechanic can fix most engine problems, you can adopt driving habits that lessen the burden on your car and extend the lifespan of its transmission. This will help prevent things such as a transmission fluid leak which can lead to low fluid levels.

Change Your Driving Habits, Change the Outcome

The first line of defense is right under your foot. Smooth acceleration and deceleration can dramatically reduce the strain on your transmission, clutch pedal, and clutch disk.

So ease up on the gas and brake pedals. This goes hand in hand with avoiding jackrabbit starts, which jolts the transmission into action.

Cooling It Down

If you live in a hot climate or frequently find yourself in heavy traffic, you might consider investing in an auxiliary transmission cooler. This aftermarket addition can help regulate transmission fluid temperature more efficiently, reducing wear and tear.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Proactive Steps for Long-Term Transmission Health

Regular scheduled maintenance services are critical for the health of your transmission. Think of it as giving your transmission a fighting chance. Get those transmission fluid changes, just like your oil changes, and make sure your mechanic always uses high-quality transmission fluid. 

Check your owner’s manual for recommendations. We often compare it to giving your car regular check-ups—prevention is better and cheaper than any auto repair services you may need.

Knowledge is Power

Knowing the early warning signs of transmission problems can make all the difference. Look out for any unusual sounds, like whining, clunking, or humming. This might not always indicate a serious issue but it's best to have a trusted mechanic take a look.

This is especially true if these sounds are accompanied by slipping gears or rough shifts. Getting these issues addressed promptly can prevent minor annoyances from turning into major headaches – not to mention major expenses. Getting your transmission serviced regularly will help your car shift gears properly and keep you from having to switch gears constantly in traffic.


Southern California traffic might be an unavoidable fact of life, but transmission troubles don’t have to be. Understanding how stop-and-go traffic impacts your vehicle and learning preventative measures empowers you to make informed choices that protect both your car and your wallet. A little preventative maintenance can save you a lot of frustration in the long run, don't hesitate to contact us at AAMCO to get your transmission checked!

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